Sometimes I despair because I have so much to learn. I am not happy with so many aspects of this piece and had so many problems along the way - and yet I learnt so much about process; about how to make paint work for me.
I think that I have also told the story that has circulated around my head for weeks now, the next story will be more skillfully executed, I wonder if it will mean more ...
Tonight I was blessed by a very good friend who came and cleaned my house allowing me to mark history exams. What a joy it is to have had company while working on a tedious chore, and to have lovely clean floorboards!
Julie I love this! Where did your large image come from? Is that a Misty Mawn background? The colours are beautiful and soft. Would love to know what colours you used. Take care
Hi Julie
This piece is beautiful! I love the image of the lady from your adopted family. Agree with Nat - the colors are beautiful and soft.
Like you I am learning more and more how to use paint. It is a wonderful medium to work with isn't it?
And a big yay for your friend doing some housework for you so you were freed up to mark the exams.
Dot xx
Yes Nat, this background is very much inspired by Misty's, but is done with much thicker layers. I used bugundy, opal and white JoSonja paint and a pink. I also dulled the whole thing down with a nice thick coat of Golden Gel Medium. The image is one of my 'adopted' family bought from e-bay. Hugs, Julie
This is sooo pretty.
I tagged you for pink art on Friday but I lost so many links (yours being one of them !) because the network went bonkeres !
I am still in the process of fixing them.
*** TAG ***
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