Friday, November 17, 2006

I'm back ... And having fun.

Thank you so much to all my blog, and blog visiting friends, I have felt your waves of care and love here in Albany. I had an awesome meeting with my doctor, and friends right here by my side, who have cleaned - and offered to clean, given me meals and spoilt me beautifully.
What a journey that withdrawal was and it so nice to be back in sinc with my life. The only lingering effects are waves of tiredness; and some lovely warm fuzzy feelings - from all the kindness.
Last night I sat and played for a few hours and everything I made seems to be bright and cheery (there are some canvas' drying too). Carmel, do you recognise the scrap I used as a dress?


Lisa said...

Oh my goodness...these are so great and fun to look at. I bet you had a ball making them. Glad you're feeling better.

Dot said...

Hello my beautiful friend Julie..

SO glad you are feeling much better. And that your friends have supported you. Things sound much nore positive for you. I am glad. So glad.

And these pieces of art are wonderful!!! Love all of them but the last one is my favorite. Did you make that face bead??? I love it!!!

Hope you have a relaxing, and stress free weekend with Maggie and the boys.

I have put your wonderful cat collage up in pride of place in my house. And everytime I look at it I see a new detail I missed the first time.

Sending lots of love to you

Dotee xoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh Julie I can actually feel the difference in your post. I am so glad you've had such loving support right there with you through this. Your beautiful creativity is a light shining! I adore these!

Anonymous said...

Lovely and bright Julie. Good to see you up and about and feeling good. I admire how you are able to turn your hand to many different styles and every single one of them is gorgeous. Cheers Nat

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are back and feeling better. Love your "play" results - cant wait until we play next week. Hope you have a sunny and bright weekend.
Take care

Anonymous said...

love that first secrets inspire and dotee are 2of the best artists from down just amaze me!! glad you are feeling better and getting back into the swing of art...